Why does adsense ban

There are a lot of people out there making good money by allowing Google to serve targeted ads on their websites, many of whom are using AdSense exclusively. So have you found yourself banned from using Google AdSense? Fret not, webmaster! You still have your traffic and rankings, and earning these are much more difficult than monetizing said traffic.

You just need to find an alternative advertising program that works well for your niche. Here are some more-than-viable alternatives to AdSense to get you back on your feet. With AdSense, Google makes it easy for anyone who owns a website to earn some money without having much prior marketing experience. Using one ad platform as your main source is just asking for trouble, especially when Google is known for closing AdSense accounts without any explanation :.

Karma is there. I have confidence a professsional of your stature and connection will bounce back to a new height in income. I deeply sorry to hear and feel for you. I know exactly how you feel now my man. I recently lost my residual income from an offline business as well. There is always a way out buddy. Now with enough said:. Google has not been very transparency of why all the accounts got banned.

Total shit. I agree totally! I mean how hard is it to say hey we noticed this going on, how come is happening? We suggest you fix it. Here are some ways you can fix. Sorry to hear about this situation. Google needs to check itself. They feel big and powerful and to many people relay on them and they know it. If they bit the hand that feeds them to much, people will revolt. They are not the only game in town soon yahoo and bing will capture other people.

Soon they will deindex everyone and then all they will have is worthless sites and wikpida. Completely agree. There are tons of horribly spun 2.

What kind of legitimate company does that and expects to survive? In both instances, though, the publishers owned quite large sites and were pretty well connected. To be honest guys Google randomly disabled my account on the 13th of last month and I found out many people got disabled between that date and the 16th.

Now the same thing happening again this month. I think so, I feel they randomly disable accounts and make a killing on all that money. If we hear about the same thing happening next month then it is official. After I read a post by some guy who was making k a month and got banned after always receiving certificates from adsense I knew no one was and is safe from getting banned. I have an honest question, will this be the downfall in the long run of google?

Reading through the comments the common trend seems to be coupon sites — I had quite a few coupon sites and while I never went against the AdSense TOS my account was banned recently…. Interesting observation — although I still see lots of coupon sites out there with adsense on them.

Ugh…sorry Spencer. Spencer, man, this sucks!! I know exactly how you feel!! For us niche websites builders, I am sure we will find other great resources for monetization.

As you may have noticed on my blog, I have pretty good results with a combination of media. However, still at this moment, it really sucks big time and I feel for you. Hey Mark — sorry to hear about you getting your account banned as well. I wish I knew. I have been noticing a lot of the blogs I follow and have learned from are starting to get their adsense accounts banned, but another thing I have noticed is all of these people who are getting their adsense accounts banned are also using Blog Networks to boost their site rankings.

I believe google just recently decided to crack down on these blog networks and I have heard of a lot of them even shutting down. What other reason could they possibly ban you for? I have followed you and many others that got banned and none of them have a detailed explanation of WHY they got banned and now I am afraid I should be worried as well.

It is quite disappointing to hear this Spencer, but i am sure you will get back to action. I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that UAW and other like it will be de-indexed. Google can easily discount all blogs that have their plugin. In a blink of an eye. This happening to you makes me thing long and hard about the whole making money online thing. Google owns you. They can do what they want. A friend of mine who had multiple sites in different neighborhoods with EMD had most of his sites plummet over night.

The only ones spared were listed in local. I also had all my local sites go down. They all had different templates, different content. Gone, overnight. Sarah — Google does control alot unfortunately. Good idea to diversify. Lots of different ways to make money online. You have a load of sites up so do a split test between several ad networks.

That would make an interesting article as well. Looks like a drop in salary by a couple of thousand but if you act quickly you will still be earning a decent and more than liveable wage. Quality sites, which I believe you have from what you have said will always rank so while we still depend on google for most of the traffic we dont have to depend on them for adsense earnings anymore, how liberating.

Yeah, take a holiday for a week first, and then come back and do it. Sorry to hear about this. This will allow you to rebuild your income in a way that will leave you less vulnerable to the decisions of one company or entity. I could not help myself.. Now I guess I can just put it in bold type.

Do anything you can do disconnect from Google. Ad sense niche sites are dead at least with google monitization. Now all the other models and channels are much clearer to evaluate.

Everyone needs to take deep breath …regroup.. Google is the new evil empire. Right before our eyes they now control the net. As a small business owner I have seen my cost of pay per click dramatically increase. Worst yet, as a small business owner I have tried to compete by working hard at ranking my web site organically…only to have google repeatedly de rank my web sites because they changed their practices and algorithms.

Well I used to think google was cool company, do no wrong etc. But both businesses and consumers should fear both google and facebook. They are in your underpants counting your pubic hairs.

Your privacy is history, and we are all being played like sheep. What do do? Well I just turned off my PPC google account.. I refuse to give them any more of money geee did my 2k per month contribute to their revenue decrease?

I have changed my search engine bar.. And I have backed way off posting on facebook.. These beasts have risen from nothing, but their arrogance and control the earth attitudes is about as Orwellian as you can get.

Defend your self, these guys are going to fall from grace. Others can give you pages of horror stories of what goes on with these companies tracking every footprint. Beware… And for business owners, diversify everything you have away from google and facebook, while leveraging what you can from these guys…and way that minimizes your exposure. If so how did they link them together?

Yes, I did. Unfortunately, they shared the same address and same contact person. But if this was really WHY the accounts were shut down, why did they let me open the accounts? But this certainly was a link between them all. Google are like Paypal they only protect the customers not the vendors. I understand why they do this because the money comes from the customers advertisers not the vendors. Google do what they want. I wrote 5 books uploaded them and done absolutely no promotion.

I still got no ratings on my ebooks and selling a couple per day lol. Just pick a money niche, write the book, upload it, and Booya you get paid. A while back it was all about eBay and how so many folks were getting their eBay accounts dumped, regardless how much they were making from eBay affiliation.

Makes you wonder though — how long before Media. Hey Joseph, thanks for stopping by! It does seem like once a company becomes large enough they start shutting down the little guys.

At this point I have a lot of confidence in them because they actually assigned me an account manager who I can email with any questions and who told me that if they have any problems with my sites he will tell me first. He also encouraged me to set up separate ad codes for each site so that he can manually tweak the ads for the best performance on a per-site basis.

Wow, I was really hoping this was a joke when I clicked on the link in my email.. Sorry man. There is no protection for the advertisers, that is a blatant flat out lie. Maybe they should ban themselves for not providing an effective service for their advertisers?? Saying they are protecting the advertisers is just a bunch of baloney. With so much money flowing around Google everyday nobody would even notice if they just quietly kept it.

Can you say what you think was the connecting links between your 4 different separate accounts? I thought this would keep you somewhat insulated in case of a ban. Put the high earners on another separate new account and get as many months of income as you can out of them while you focus on re-monetizing all the big earners. At least this would ease the transition period. How to do this safely for new accounts?

I would LOVE to see the thousands of banned users join together and pursue this in court. There has to be a way to force more transparency in these matters. I would think thousands of people combined could easily afford a sufficient legal team. If OJ can win.. Honestly, even if the lawsuit had no chance of winning. It may force some much needed policy changes indirectly just through the negative publicity.

You could set up a sue google website but they would probably just de-index it lol. Good Luck and keep us posted. I know from older posts you are at least smart enough to have some money put aside to hold you over. Nope, not a joke unfortunately. But my contact name was on the account an individual name is required — that must have done it.

If I ever do this again new LLC there will be no linking information at all. Boo for Google! Now they complain that Facebook and Apple threaten internet or…its adsense maybe:. I feel terrible for you man. You are the reason why I got into Adsense and set up my nichewebsites blog. Why not try to change the entity as at least this gives you an income and if they ban it again well so be it. Yep, strong possibility of that happening. Really sorry to hear this….

I know you will find another way. You have far too much knowledge in this arena not to. As I finished reading through all of the comments I went to check my email and found that I too have been banned from Adsense! I have about 15 very thin sites finally set up….

And banned! I feel fortunate that it happened now so I can adjust my game plan. I look forward to following along and seeing how you adjust. There is a lot of disdain for Google, and some of it is justified.

On the other hand I am focusing my energy and efforts on things I can control. As Nate, Chris and other marketers have done they eventually created their own product of which they totally control. I know some people who were making pretty good affiliate money with BMR, they got zeroed out too because of Googles actions. Personally, finding a few good residual affiliate products is where my energy is going until I can create a few quality products of my own.

The more control you have the more stable your long term online income will be. Spencer if I may be your light in this darkness. I have not suffered that in which you speak but I have a couple of sites that are authority sites that I would not dare put adsense on I would just lose too much money. So I am sharing with you the same solution. OIO publisher. You can set up your own ad network.

I literally make a killing just from a couple sites I have it on. I tried adsense on these sites and if memory serves me correct I would definitely hate to comb over the data but just a rough estimate made me on these two sites about 2. With selling my own ad inventory I was able to increase each websites profit margin 7 fold. I am making 15k roughly a month from these two sites. My little niche sites I still use adsense. As it is too much hassle to set each one up independently.

I am also sure there are better solutions out there as well. I am just saying when you are in control and you cut out the middle man you would be surprised how much you can make. There you go in a nutshell.

If you need help or ideas let me know I am always up for a brainstorming session. I would love to hear more about your sites and how you use OIO publisher. Feel free to send me an email privately if you would like. I know how you feel Spencer. I got my account banned a couple of years ago but I guess I did violate their terms then. My heart goes out to you, Spence. When I read the bad news this morning and tried to hit the site to read this post the site was non responsive!

I figured a ton of traffic was to blame. That much traffic is a good thing, right? Your getting cancelled along with the other commenters here that told about losing their accounts has encouraged me to not use Adsense at all. Well said ive been holding content I ordered over the last while. Will be rewritten for NON adsense sites. They arnt the only game on the net they just think they are.

Your large number of domains might not have been the problem. Perhaps you were click-bombed. This is what happened to my account. I received the same e-mail that you did, appealed, and three weeks later I got my account back and all of the money they said they were going to give back to the advertisers.

Maybe Matt is right. I hope so. Good luck with your appeal! No more relying on Google and Google Adsense for me. Thanks for being honest Spencer and sharing your experience with us. Hopefully you can jump back on your feet and make money other ways. I am sure you can as your websites are still ranking well.

That is definitely a plus. Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress and if you can bounce back from this big setback. Their time will come indeed. Ex Google search employees have been hired to fix Facebook search.

Does not mean that they will succeed but I just want to point out people with money are working to get market share. Other than that.

You have the experience, resource and network. People will be happy to help you whether its by promoting your future products or simply giving you a helping hand. Think of it as a breakup. Haha — love how you finished that comment bo.

Spencer will definitely bounce back with something bigger and stronger for sure. Good, you and all deserve it. You are doing nothing but spamming the web with crap websites, nothing else. The thing you have going for you is that you are very well diversified. I remember when a bunch of your sites were deindexed, and you emerged with a new set of sites that earned even more. But as I wrote in my post, I think you will look back one day and realize that this was a good thing for your business.

My initial reaction was panic, fear, and some type of depression, and I can imagine yours was at least as intense. But after I slept on it for a few days, it was almost liberating. When AdSense was working well, there was no reason to explore anything else.

Now, you can try a bunch of different things and see what else works well, or maybe better. Cut out the sites that no longer work well, and focus on those that do. Anyway, this comment is long enough. You understand my diversification, as you are an accountant.

Thanks for staying positive, reading your post actually has helped me keep a better attitude as well. Time will tell how it turns out…. Spencer, I feel your pain! I wrote about it just last week. I lost my personal adsense account a month ago, filed my appeal, and was denied 2 days later. Then exactly one month later my corporate adsense account was disabled.

Like everyone else who has been disabled by google, I received no details on what the problem was, and of course, no chance to rectify the problem. Still hurts, but not as much now, and I can carry on full time. It will always be hard to replace Google adsense for some time into the future. But based on how google is screwing publishers, and my belief in karma, Google will soon go the way of the blackberry and become obsolete.

They will not survive if they continue to treat their customers and publishers this way. I just hope it happens sooner than later! We need a disruptive search engine…anyone? Hey spencer, do you mind sharing the list of your other sites? As you said niche sites are risky these days. Were these sites authority sites? Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the information you have provided and how transparent and honest you have been.

As someone just getting into the internet business scene it is disheartening to see someone like you getting this kind of treatment from google. I wish you all the best going forward and am excited to see how you come back from this as we all know you will. Keep Rocking.

Google is a dinosaur, between what they are doing with search and adsense their days are numbered. Hey Spencer, for what it is worth.. Last year I even sent you a thank you during the annual thanksgiving. You have helped me a great deal.. Let me say this; because of that.. You will rise up and you will be even better in the months and years to come. You find a way or a way will manifest whichever comes first. But I think true security could be be derived from focusing on one or several key sites that you can put a lot of energy into an build those up, not just in search but with list building, co-op marketing, social campaigns, viral campaigns, offline marketing if it fits, and just about any other promotional method.

But in the end, the traffic sources and the monetization must go well beyond Google simply because their so damn unstable in many ways. The moral of the story…. I really feel for your loss but I am sure you will get back up very soon using other adsense alternatives.

Not sure if this is the reason but you are obviously not protecting your sites very well. I just did a search based on some of your public information and I could already dig out most of your sites. I can also see that you are linking to many of your sites in the footer on some of your sites which again could be another red flag by itself.

Of those who got their account banned so far, one common trend is that they are not careful enough in protecting their sites and people with a little skill could easily seek out all their sites and niches. He never ever reveal any of this sites and I believe that is why he is still one of those surviving champions of Adsense to date.

Any sites linking to each other are very old and are all on one adsense account. I was selling legitimate approved products through their site. What a joke. These big corporations have ZERO care for regular vendors. Spencer, I am sorry to hear the news! Since a lot of the population use internet connections that are based on a dynamic IP adress, Google needs more than just the IP to go on. Cookies is one another factor they use, as all clicks are saved as cookies on your computer.

Google is really the biggest online based company. They have so many services that it is easy to forget they all come from the same company. Having a extremely high click ratio will definitely get your account flagged and Google will have a manual look. Your MAC-address works like a online fingerprint. Whether this can be used or not, I am not a hundred percent sure of.

If your website has visitors from all over the world, but only people from Stockholm clicks on your ad, it will look weird and might be negative for you. If someone is clicking on your Google Ads everyday, but historically has never clicked on any website's ads before, it will look fishy.

If lets say a visitor comes to your website by entering the domain name in the address field, and then immediately clicks on your ads, that will also look very fishy. How many pages and how long has the visitor been on your site before clicking on the ads? It's quite possible that time spent on site before ad click, will matter in Google's eyes.

Never encourage or even mention your visitors to click on your ads. That is the fastest way to get your account suspended. What really determine's a Google publisher's worth, must after all be how the publisher converts, right? If you have hundred of thousands of click and none of which generated any value to the advertiser, there is no point in letting you advertise.

Obviously, all these factors can be circumstantial, and Google knows about this. But if you feel like many of these match with your situation — it's time to take a look at your Adsense setup. An online entrepreneur since Johannes has more than a decade of experience in online marketing and considers himself a SEO-geek.

Personally very passionate about health optimization, lifestyle design and traveling the world. Writing here to inspire. Mostly himself, but hopefully others too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some similar websites got adsense like technodify and maktechblog then why they rejected me?

How using Traffic Cop could improve your chances of reinstating your account Traffic Cop is a MonetizeMore product that helps publishers protect their AdSense and other ad network accounts from invalid traffic.

How to appeal the AdSense ban for invalid traffic? Your AdSense account was reinstated, what to do moving forward? You lost the appeal and are not getting your account back It sucks! Try alternative ad networks There are many alternative ad networks to AdSense with millions of ad impressions. Try alternative monetization methods Some of the most popular alternative methods of website monetization include affiliate marketing, native advertising, and E-commerce.

Good luck! FAQ How do I fill invalid traffic appeal form? What is invalid traffic in AdSense? What are invalid clicks? How do I protect my AdSense account from invalid clicks on blogger? How do I keep my AdSense account safe?

How do I stop invalid activity or invalid traffic? How do I get my AdSense account back? Get our latest ad optimization tips delivered to your inbox. Fill out my online form. Chris Noth on May 16, at pm.

MonetizeMore on May 19, at pm. MonetizeMore on July 12, at pm. Roger C. Please help me Sir i want again appeal to adsense beacuse my google adsense is disable i need to reinstated Reply. MonetizeMore on April 25, at pm. Thanks for share this post dude, Reply. Jonathan Ejere on March 15, at am. MonetizeMore on March 23, at pm.

This is so chock full of useful information I can not wait to big deep and start utilizing the resources you have given me your exuberance is refreshing, i am very thankful to the admin for sharing the great content with us Reply.

Abdul Salam on December 13, at pm. Please advise Reply. MonetizeMore on December 19, at am. MonetizeMore on January 10, at pm. No, this sounds like it would be against the terms of service. Jasmine Araojo on June 17, at pm. Hope you can advice,, Reply. MonetizeMore on June 28, at am. Kami on March 7, at pm. Sumit Kumar on September 12, at pm. Can i create new adsense account an apply on that domain again??

MonetizeMore on September 20, at am. No, this is in contravention of AdSense policies. Abhishek Balani on September 15, at am.


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