Claymore how old is clare

Raki feeling sorry for her friend learned that Clare might go through that one day. Eventually Rubel gave Clare another job she was hired to kill a Voracious Eater another term for a yoma with large appetites that was hiding in the Holy City Rabona. But learning that Claymores were forbiden to enter the city she had to hide her appearance and sneak into city. She then met the client and learned the yoma was killing and eating priests in the church, she was thinking the yoma was posing as a priest and told him she will kill it later.

She then asked the priest if he could take care of Raki for her. Later that night she went to the church to find the yoma but was being blocked by two warriors named Galk, and Cid. Seeing she was a Claymore they thought she was responsible for the killings in the church. So after a scuffle Clare heard someone being attacked in the church. Racing there see encounters the Yoma which has just finished off a knight, started to attack it.

It was too strong for her to battle without her sword as she had only two knives. Galk and Cid arrived to save her. But it overpowered them too.

Galk was about to be killed but Clare took the blow instead of him. Calling for help soldiers come marching in and Yoma retreats deeper into the Church. The next day Clare was recoperating from her wound Raki met with the priest and two knights. Raki also learned that Clare asked the preist to watch him for her. Later that night Clare was healed up and began an investigation on the priests still alive.

After inspecting each one of them she found out that were all human meaning it was somewhere else. Raki was waiting for Clare in the basement, Looking at one of the mummy's he saw a day ago inspects then tunrs around to look else where. A few seconds later the mummy starts to crawl out of it casket and starts to regain his form. Seeing that the yoma was disguised as a mummy it started to attack Raki. Clare then arrives to save Raki but is still weak from her injury tries to attack the yoma.

Eventually Galk and Cid come to help her. Raki feeling useless goes to the statue he has been carrying and throws it to Clare which reveals to be her sword. With her sword back Clare is able to finish off the Yoma but by doing so uses to much aura and starts to awaken. Clare then asks Galk to kill her and says sorry to Raki.

Raki then hugs Clare and says he can't live without her so I die with you. Clare hearing this regains control of her body mysteriously. The next day Clare and Raki prepare to leave and say goodby to Galk and Cid. Cid then comes up and gives Clare a goodby kiss. Seeing this Raki kicks him and starts to argue again with each other seeing that Clare smiles. Rubel then comes and tell Clare about her mission and says that yoma was not a Voracious Eater that is just a normal yoma.

He then says that she is no way strong enough to kill a real voracious eater. Clare then asks if she can hunt voracious eaters. Rubel agrees and tell her next job. Clare then heads to a village to meet the group she joins. Her fellow claymores names and rank are Helen 22, Deneve 15, and the leader of the Group Miria 6.

Helen then makes fun of her for being weak and having someone following her around. Raki tries to protect Clare but she says it's fine and goes to drop Raki off at a inn.

Raki asks her why they were treating her horible she then tells him the Claymore ranks, and that she is the lowest one She tells Raki he can't come with her as it would be dangerous, and promises him she will be back.

The team then sets off for the mountains. Later they take rest in a cave from the rain. Still teasing Clare because of her rank. Clare tries to fight back but Miria challenges her to test her strength. Eventually losing to Miria, Clare lays in the rain. The next morning they head off further into the mountains they then encounter a traveller who then tells them about the yoma only to find out he was the yoma. After trying to kill it they find out it was a awakened being.

The Awakened one knocked out Clare while the others were trying to kill only to have it heal itself fast. It eventually incapacitated Helen, and Deneve. Miria was the only one active to kill it but it began to be to mcuh for her. Clare finally woke up and started to approach it. The awakened one was surprised how brave she was to come in front of it.

When it attacked Clare doged it and was able to hit him. Miria then figured out Clare was reading its yoki and found out were it limbs were going to hit next. After figuring out it tricks Clare and Miria finished off. After the battle they checked on Helen and Deneve to see if they were alive. After talking about their battle Miria told them about the Organizations conspiracy. They all found out they were given this mission because they all were close to awakening.

A few miles away a Claymore Galatea and Ermita were observing them from a far, and reading their emotions. Deneve then showed them how fast she could heal without awakening. Ermita then told Galatea to leave after hearing of what Deneve was doing. Deneve recovered her injury on her arm. Miria then told her she was folish for doing that. After Galatea left Clare sensed her movements and Galatea then sensed her. After their conversation Miria showed them the symbols of the top five Claymores and told them they are very loyal to the orginization, and warned them of Claymore 4.

After that Clare left to met up with Raki. Clare was then given another mission to kill another Awakened one. She and Raki strated off for the location. She was to be teamed up with a Claymore.

When she arrived she met her fellow teamate and was attacked by her. After seeing her ally attack her she tought of Miria's words about Claymore No. She was looking for her symbol to prove her wrong only to find out it was true. The Claymore saw what she was looking at and asked where did she here about her from. The Claymore then revealed her name to be Ophelia. Raki then tried to help only to be a plaything for Ophelia.

She then sliced off Clare's legs and went to torture Raki. Ophelia then decided to play a game with Raki after striked her shen then began to put more force in her slashes. After a few minutes of torture a little girl apperaed of of nowhere. Raki then warned her about Ophelia only to see that see is a awakened one.

Clare then rushed to reatach her legs and help raki but the awakened one layed waist to the buildings. Clare was succesful in getting Raki out of the way only to have Ophelia trick her into helping her and throwing Raki to the awakened one. Clare was beaing held down by Ophelia to prevent her from saving Raki after finally braking free Clare rescued Raki and hurried out of the village to keep Ophelia from Raki.

Ophelia was then left to deal with the Awakened one and finsihed it off. After escaping and getting far from Ophelia she told Raki to leave.

Raki was hesitant to leave Clare alone but she kissed him and told him "I promise you I won't die. I'll live Raki then left and Clare headed in another direction to lure Ophelia the other direction. Ophelia then caught and began to fight with Clare again. Clare proved to be no match for Ophelia so she began to ry and read her aura only to see she is too fast. Clare then tried to give her a sneak attack but got her arm cut off in the process. Rushing to get away Clare was hurrying to reatach her arm only to have Ophelia catch up again.

Ophelia then told her that due to her rank she is to weak to reatach her arm or grow antoher. So then she sliced Clares arm into pieces to prevent her from healing it. Clare then tried to defend her self only this time to get her hand cut off. Ophelia was about to finish her off until a old Claymore named Irene came and saved Clare.

After passing out from her ordeal Clare awoke in a bed and was bandaged up and her hand was reattached. Irene then came in to bring her food. Clare asked how long she was a sleep Irene then told her to rest and get energy. Clare refused and said she had to go.

Irene then came behind and shoved her head into the bed and told her "If you value your life so little then I will be happy to kill you right here". She told her Ophelia is still alive and is looking for her. After their conversation Irene told her to think about her situation. Laura Bailey Jean as Jean. Bruce Elliott Rubel as Rubel …. Brina Palencia Priscilla as Priscilla …. Hana Takeda Deneve as Deneve …. Clarine Harp Undine as Undine …. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit.

In a world rife with deadly creatures called "youma", a young silver eyed woman, Clare, works on behalf of an organization that trains female youma halfbreeds into warriors with the ability to destroy these creatures.

Considered a rogue for picking up a stray child and almost losing herself to her youma side by "Awakening", she is constantly assigned rather dangerous missions. Did you know Edit.

Trivia All entries contain spoilers. User reviews 26 Review. Top review. Claymore is the very best fantasy anime i;ve ever saw , very original in ideas and story , so pls season 2, thxxxxx.

She also as a limited ability to manipulate the yoki within her, but if she pushes her powers too much, she runs the risk of 'awakening' — becoming a more powerful youma herself! She is also capable of rapid sword attacks, often called 'Quick Sword'. However, Clare's attack style is more defensive than offensive. Also, as a Claymore Clare doesn't need to eat as often as a normal human.

For those who have, here are 10 details about the main character that are might have been missed. Needless to say, this article will be full of spoilers. Write for us! Do you have proven online publishing experience?

Initially, the Organization trained both girls and boys to become Claymores, giving them the same type of physical tests to surpass. However, it was found beyond any shadow of a doubt that male Claymores became Awakened a larger number of times when compared to females. The reason behind this was the sensations that their bodies felt, which were quite similar to sexual pleasure.

As a result of this, all boys were eventually barred from becoming Claymores. The abilities of both Yoma and Claymores are dependent on their Yoki flow. Yoki is nothing but the energy of Yomas that Claymores absorb the moment they consume the flesh of a Yoma in order to become superhuman.

Their Yoki flow helps Claymores heal quicker, have a greater speed and strength, and sharpen their senses. It also helps her against her battle with Priscilla.


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