How does god work

But providence also extends to His governance as Lord and King. God reigns over His creation presently, which is most clearly seen in His loving rule over the church, and in the future, He will manifest His kingdom in fullness. It is God who causes the sun to shine and the rains to fall on both the righteous and unrighteous. And it is God who has orchestrated the events of human history to bring about one end: the redemption of sinners through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Follow him on Twitter. The cup He referred to was that He would have to be separated from God for the first and only time. It was the bitterest cup of all. THAT was the cup Christ wanted removed. There was no way for mankind to be redeemed except for Christ bearing the sins of mankind. By doing that, it was necessary that God look away! Our prayers are answered today providentially.

God hears us. He answers us. James instructs us how we ought to pray. What is your life? For ye are a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall both live, and do this or that. Now consider this verse…. Pharaoh was his own man. Perhaps the most important example of this is how the scriptures instruct men to be saved. In spite of what Calvin believed and taught, God gives men the power of choice.

And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely. You see it throughout scripture. For instance, the Chaldeans were a violent people. God used them to punish His own people. Pharaoh was another example. The Bible tells us that Pharaoh hardened his heart. Pharaoh did that to himself. He does not. He does use men for His divine purposes. Men decide their character and behavior. God providentially uses men as it suits His divine Will.

There is a distinction between providential and miraculous. A miracle is where God works on a level that is above natural law. Providence is when God uses natural law for His purposes. In a miracle, the Lord works directly. In providence, God works indirectly. Mary conceived a child having never experienced sex.

According to the scriptures she was a virgin. This was a fulfillment of prophecy. It was a miracle. It was supernatural. It was a direct operation of God in her life. Contrast that with the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel chapter 1. She was barren, but she prayed to the Lord that she might have a son. She promised to give him to God, if God would allow her to conceive. A son was born, but it was not a miracle. It was providence though because God used the natural laws of human reproduction to answer her prayer, and Samuel was born.

Another example contrasting miraculous with providential is found in the story of Hezekiah in Isaiah chapter The king of Assyria came against all the fortified cities of Judah and conquered them.

Hezekiah was imprisoned and sought God for deliverance. Through the prophet Isaiah God promised to deal with the situation. In a single night, the messenger of Jehovah went out and killed a hundred and fourscore and five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. When the men arose early in the morning they saw all the dead bodies — so says Isaiah It was miraculous. Sennacherib, the pagan king who had overthrown the cities of Judah, went back home. The king went home and while he was worshipping his false god, his sons killed him with a sword.

That was providence. They are a spiritual calling. There are no second-class callings from God. We will be worthy of this calling if we are devoted in our relationship with Him and look to Him only for leadership and strength.

We are responsible not only for the quality of our work, but also for our faithfulness to God in the way we pursue that work, and for our own good character while working. We will be judged and rewarded accordingly.

However, God is ultimately responsible for the outcome and impact of our work. We should work as if yoked to Jesus Christ. Explore this idea by reading the following Bible verses: 2 Corinthians Matthew Psalm Exodus Mark Matthew Click to explore these passages in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary: 2 Corinthians Matthew Matthew 6 Our work should be centered on service to others.

From the products and services we provide, to providing fair financial rewards, and providing opportunities for others to exercise their gifts and talents. Our work is an opportunity to seek the peace and well being of our organizations, cities, and nations.

Humility and gratitude should be the hallmark of our character. We should always acknowledge God in our work and consider that being an ambassador for Him is a weighty, but honored, responsibility. Explore this idea further by reading the following Bible passages: 2 Corinthians Mark Matthew Philippians Galatians 1 Peter Romans Matthew 1 Peter 2 Corinthians Matthew 1 Thessalonians Click to explore these passages in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary: 2 Corinthians Matthew Philippians Galatians 1 Peter Matthew 2 Corinthians 1 Thessalonians 7 A rhythm of work and rest is essential to life.


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