Underground railroad how long did it last

They were close friends of Frederick Douglass and their home on Sophia Street was a station on the underground railroad. More recently the New York History Net has published a very interesing list of "all" persons and places connected with the Underground Railroad in New York.

For the years from the first African slave until , slaves ran and some escaped to freedom. Thus, slaves were chased by their masters or bounty hunters. Because intelligence agencies placed single men and women in domestic jobs in cities like Syracuse and towns as Geneva, the transportation of slaves to freedom obviously had to be done under the utmost secret of conditions.

The transport worked much like a railroad and so it was called The Underground Railroad. Once a slave escaped and managed to make contact with sympathizers, he or she became a part of the underground railroad and would hopefully be transported to freedom. Similar to an actual railroad, the act of transporting the escaped slaves incorporated all the terms used during a railroad journey.

The routes from safe-house to safe-house houses where fugitive slaves were kept were called lines and were roughly 15 miles long, but the distance shortened considerably the further north one got. Stopping places were called stations Catherine Harris ' home. Those who aided fugitive slaves were known as conductors.

In order to keep terms as clandestine as possible, the fugitive slaves were known as packages or freight. Though the road to freedom, called The Underground Railroad , was organized prior to , the organization became widespread after The Fugitive Slave Act.

Harriet Tubman with escaped slaves at an Underground Rail Road station. In , William Wells Brown carried sixty-nine fugitive slaves on a steam boat to Canada. It is estimated that between and , the Underground Railroad movement was responsible for helping approximately 70, slaves escape and journey safely northwards into Canada and subsequent freedom. Two Quakers, Levi Coffin and his wife Catherine, are believed to have aided over 3, slaves to escape over a period of years. For this reason, Levi is sometimes called the president of the Underground Railroad.

Underground Railroad Routes. The term Underground Railroad began to be used in the early s. Once the fugitives reached safe havens—or at least relatively safe ones—in the far northern areas of the United States, they would be given assistance finding lodging and work. Many went on to Canada, where they could not legally be retrieved by their owners. A trip on the Underground Railroad was fraught with danger.

The slave or slaves had to make a getaway from their owners, usually by night. Operators of the Underground Railroad faced their own dangers. Myers became the most important leader of the Underground Railroad in the Albany area.

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