Should i buy champions or runes

His W Despair deals damage each second to surrounding enemies and his E Tantrum is a spammable AoE spell that is reduced in cooldown each time Amumu is hit. His R Curse of the Sad Mummy is one of the more powerful spells in the game.

It roots all enemies in a large area around Amumu. Amumu is great at ganking because he has a stun and gap closer. His Q Bandage Toss is a skillshot, so it is best layered on an already crowd controlled enemy to make sure it connects.

Amumu thrives in team fights because of his high AoE damage and the AoE crowd control on his ultimate. Try to get in the middle of as many enemies as possible before using R Curse of the Sad Mummy.

Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Smite are the best spells for Amumu, and jungling should not even be attempted before Smite is unlocked because you cannot buy jungle items without Smite equipped as a summoner spell.

Recommended Runes: Resolve primary with Aftershock as the keystone rune gives Amumu more tankiness when he applies his crowd control. Domination secondary gives Amumu access to more damage and cooldown reduction on his ultimate.

Not all mice are created equal. Find out which one works best for you with the latest gaming mouse reviews. Master Yi has a lot of movement speed and damage but is compensated by his lack of health Image via Riot Games. A more damaging option in the jungle, Master Yi is for players who want to chase down and quickly kill enemies.

His Q Alpha Strike makes Master Yi untargetable while he hits multiple enemies, great for killing jungle monsters and dealing damage in fights. His W Meditate heals him while he channels it, giving him the sustain to get through a jungle clear. Master Yi thrives on looking for enemies caught out alone or cleaning up fights after the enemies use their crowd control abilities.

A well-timed Alpha Strike can dodge enemy abilities by going untargetable and Meditate reduces incoming damage while channeled. Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Smite are recommended on most junglers, but Master Yi can also make effective use of Ghost because of his need to stick on enemy targets to deal damage.

Recommended Runes: Precision is the best primary rune for Master Yi because it gives him extra attack speed and Conqueror is core for his damage. Domination secondary gives him extra damage with Sudden Impact and lifesteal from Ravenous Hunter. Michael Plant has been playing League of Legends since and analyzing it nearly as long.

He also enjoys playing TeamFight Tactics and has reached challenger on multiple accounts. When he's not playing or watching video games, he's more than likely following one of his Houston sports teams.

Thank you for subscribing to the Hotspawn Newsletter. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates! When should I start buying runes or champions which level?

Improve this question. Good question sir, give me a few minutes to accumulate an answer. It really depends on how much money you want to invest. If you want to get away as cheaply as possible, only buy skins with RP. If money is no issue, only buy Runes with IP and do whatever you want with leftover IP, saving a bit of money in the long run.

Spending RP on stuff that is currently on sale seems obvious if you plan on having everything at some point.

Bundles are permanently on sale basically. From there, it's just a question of where in the spectrum between no money and infinite money you see yourself. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Should I spend my IP only on runes or as well on champions? When does it make sense to start buying RP? I can try to explain this but the league of legends wiki has the perfect explanation already: They can be purchased with real money and are used to purchase in-game things to add convenience, extra customization options, or diversity to the experience.

At level 20 see your first question. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Improve this answer. Mkalafut 1, 6 6 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 34 34 bronze badges. Marco Geertsma Marco Geertsma 6, 12 12 gold badges 38 38 silver badges 72 72 bronze badges. Thanks for your answer, do you know how much IP it takes to get 3 full rune pages? I personally have to say that I can't imagine spending money on skins yet, but since it's a free game and people get something for supporting it, it seems legit :D — RandomDisplayName.

RandomDisplayName The price of a completed list depends on what runes you buy since they all differ in prices. You can find their prices here : leagueoflegends. I tried merging most together with some success. At least you can filter them out so you don't see them in the rune page creator.

Show 2 more comments. Buy a champion bundle for RP. If you can afford it buy RP until you have about 80 champions and always keep an eye on sales. Don't Waste money on Boosts. If you know a champion already It's worth buying it of course and If you're interested in one just buy it aswell. If you're not sure about whether or not you will like the champion don't buy it immediately watch some playstyle videos first Play at least once a day to maximize your IP gain FWOTD bonus A bit more detailed answer You basically want to save up for at least 2 runepages which will greatly increase your chance of winning.

Jutschge Jutschge Use RP to buy a rune page bundle. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Screenshot of the Week. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Especially with the mushroom is synergizes well because it also slows you when you step on it, and does more damage.

I also heard people used it with the Karthus ultis there are just five meteors going over. I think anyone can use any runes, because especially right now, people are figuring out, I see a lot of ADCs use Kleptomancy to get more gold or more pots early in laning phase but also more gold in general so they get items faster and scale faster.

I feel like every champion will have its own unique runes now because before for AD Carries especially you would just go the 9 AD and 14 Attack Speed with Armor and MR and we always joke around how Trevor only has to make one rune page but I have to make 10 or 20 and now even for him he has a lot more options to experiment with and to benefit his own play style, not only the champion himself.

I think lots of new runes can be used to benefit the player, not the champion itself. So runes like these provide you a bunch of gold everywhere. There are a lot of runes for roaming champions as well, like Predator or Waterwalking which gives you faster movespeed in the river. Talon is an assassin melee champion in the midlane that wants to roam around or dominate your lane. So Electrocute helps with your nuking damage and to proc it you have to hit three separate attacks, which is really easy to do as Talon.

Next I chose Sudden Impact because whenever he dashes it gives you more Lethality which means more bursting for damage. For the last one I went Relentless Hunter for movespeed and help snowball a lead once you get it. Say you killed people top lane and now you have the extra movespeed to further roam. For the second tree, I went Sorcery with Waterwalking for more movespeed in the river because usually whenever you go mid to bottom or mid to top you cross the river area.


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